...or a woman to blog. This is only my second blog and I haven't got the hang of it at all. I shout for CB! And get told "I have shown you this a thousand times!" or "you do not remember!". I do not remember or I wouldn't ask. Obviously. I try explaining the old adage 'give a man a fish-give a man a fishing rod' but apparently this is a particularly SLOW fisherman.
Still here I am, or there I was to be precise, in Gisborne on the east coast of the North Island 3 weeks ago famed for its surf beaches and fruit growing. Having visited Gissy before and not having great memories of the place, I thought I would be killing time while YT (Yorkshire Terrier) worked. Instead bombing around in our little rented Toyota sans children was fun. The town is accessible, small and easy to negotiate. It has a pleasant rural town crossover vibe. On the days we were there the weather was uncharacteristically mixed. Only on the last day did we have blue skys. Who cares! You don't need sunshine to sample vineyards, the market and the shops. The Muirs bookshop a gem, likewise Interiors- the kitchen shop; I was in heaven. But the best of all was NZ national Arboretum at Eastwoodhill half an hour drive inland from Gissy. Some of NZ's prettiest farming landscape to drive through means the journey itself is a treat. The arboretum is truly wonderful. I must have a thing for trees. The family story of me being rescued in toddlerhood from a macrocarpa pine hanging by the back of my woollen jersey is legend. Too old to climb I loved everything about this place. It is lovingly tended to by the enthusiasts that manage this national asset. The staff were helpful, humourous and knowledgeable. YT and I are determined to go back as soon as our other commitments allow.